P.S. I Still Love You Book Review


Title: P.S. I Still Love You
Author: Jenny Han
Series: Book #2 in To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before duology
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Publication Date: May 26, 2015
Genre: Young Adult – Contemporary, Romance
Pages: 337
Format: Purchased Hardcover

“P.S. I Still Love You” by Jenny Han is the sequel to “To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before” and it’s a continuation of the story of Lara Jean and Peter, and how they want to make their relationship real. But when a boy from Lara Jean’s past comes back into her life, so do her feelings for him. Can she love two people at the same time?

Spoilers to come as this is a sequel!

This book was both parts adorable and heartbreaking. But mostly adorable.

In this sequel we got to see Lara Jean and Peter interact differently than before. After the whole ordeal with word of the two of them having sex with each other spread (when they didn’t), and the kiss between them, and their growing feelings for each other, they decide to try to really start dating. They want to give it a go, and seeing the two of them together was some of my favorite parts in the book. I felt that seeing the dynamic between them grow and change was something that was really wonderful to see.

Not that it wasn’t without its complications, of course. It wouldn’t be much of a story without its troubles.

So let me first talk about some of the main characters:

Lara Jean isn’t much different from the first book except that I think she allowed herself to be worried about comparing herself and her relationship with Peter with his and Genevieve’s prior relationship. She also cares a lot about what others think of her because she’s never really been in the spotlight before she started seeing Peter. When a video of the two of them goes viral and she’s being called a slut, she gets worried, but I’m also glad that it doesn’t get her depressed to the point of serious depression or anything. I thought that she handled it better than Peter, actually. Eventually.

Also, I found her to be, well, a typical teen of sixteen going on seventeen. I don’t expect her to have all the answers, but what I do expect is what I saw in her: a fickle heart, a complicated relationship, fears, hopes, and more. I loved that about this book that we could see a real representation of teens (because let’s face it, we’ve all been there, done that, at one point or another).

As for Peter Kavinsky, my goodness. Okay, so I thought that he was totally himself and he was starting to show his feelings a bit more to Lara Jean, but I also think he sensed the distrust from her when it involved Gen. He said nothing was happening, and she didn’t believe him, though he said she was his number one girl. I thought he was telling the truth, but I was unsure at some points, too. But I thought he grew a little in this book in that he just wasn’t this “high and mighty” jock type that was just going along with some sort of elaborate plan. Rather, I felt that he was really developing feelings for Lara Jean and really trying his best to protect her. Like he said, he enjoys feeling “needed.” I think a lot of males have that desire because it’s just in their DNA, you know?

Anyway, Kitty. Kitty, Kitty, Kitty. She is such a little sassypants. I love how she think she knows it all, and really, you can get some of the best advice from little kids. I thought she had plenty of great pointers for Lara Jean, and I also thought her intuition about Peter and John and the situations around her were spot on. She’s one of my favorites.

John Ambrose McClaren. Okay, really, his full name did not need to be said as much as it was in the book (which was my biggest pet peeve when it came to page time for him), but his character overall was charming. Yes, he sort of had a hidden agenda (sorta, kinda, not really) when it came to Lara Jean, but the chemistry between them felt natural and nothing felt pushed or rushed. I liked that about these characters: they don’t force anything on anyone. I thought John to be very respectful and a good part of the story, but I also wished he hadn’t been there in a way so we could get more Lara Jean and Peter time.

The plot, well, it was kind of foretold in the synopsis, wasn’t it? Lara Jean does have feelings for both guys at once, but I don’t believe it was love on John’s part. I knew she would wind up with Peter just because of what they had been through, and the fact that they just… I don’t know, they go together. They’re like two pieces of a set, you know?

I felt the main part of the plot was between Lara Jean and Peter. They went through ups and downs in this book and how they overcome it in the end. But I also saw the plot of how John figured into the picture, about the girls trying to set up their dad with their neighbor, about love in general. This book was very focused on love, and frankly, I loved it.

There’s just a few things that I didn’t like, but they were minor in the scheme of things:

  • Some parts felt like filler. Eh. I dunno.
  • Long descriptions of desserts. I mean, I like dessert as much as the next person, but maybe that was just me wanting more romance.

But there were also some things I was really grateful that they were in there:

  • The fact that Jenny pointed out several times how there’s a double standard against woman: if something goes viral and it involves both a male and female, there’s a certain stigma placed on both; the man will be cheered while the woman is looked down upon. LOVED that she pointed this out. Thank you, Jenny.
  • The fact that Jenny (while talking through her character Stormy) stated that your body is your own. If you’re not ready to have sex or go through with something that someone wants you to, then don’t do it. You control your body. Not anyone else.

Other than that, I really enjoyed it. It may have had it’s duller parts and more exciting parts, but I think that’s what makes a good plot based on real life: there’s going to be not as exciting times. And that’s what makes the story that much better.

Overall, I rated it 4/5 stars and highly recommend it for those who read the first book.

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